+91-8449714863 C-9, Udhyog Puram, Meerut, Delhi-NCR , (INDIA) 250103 indiancropscience@gmail.com

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Employee Welfare

Employees are the foundation for the superstructure of any corporate organisation. Corporate Organisation could not cope up their growth without employees. Employees are expected to do much for the organisation and the organisation have to appreciate their honest & committed services.

Employee welfare is a comprehensive term including various services, facilities and amenities provided to employees for their betterment. Our purpose of employee welfare is to improve the life standard of the working class and thereby in a longer run to make them happy citizen.

Welfare includes everything that is done for the comfort and improvement of employees and is provided over and above the wages. ICS believes in high motivation of the employees to retain them for larger duration. ICS welfare measures are not in monetary terms only but in kind form also.

ICS employee welfare includes constant improvement of working conditions of factories and offices, maintaining industrial harmony through Infrastructure for health, Transportation, Health insurance, Accidental Insurance to the family members, loan facilities for house, vehicle, medical treatment and arranging many cultural for the employee.

Insects can damage the crop through their feeding and thereby significantly reduce the crop yield. So, it becomes critical for farmers to protect the crop against these insects. It is since the 20th century that the use of insecticides has shown a significant increase in agricultural productivity. Indian Crop Science Private Limited. is one of the industry-leading insecticide manufacturers that develop effective, safe, and sustainable range of insecticides to help farmers prevent the crop from damage.

Training and Development

ICS growth depends upon the dedication and synergy of its employees. ICS has always committed to enhance knowledge and leadership quotient through constant Training and development. Development of appropriate knowledge, favourable attitudes and suitable skills enable employees to perform their assigned duties and task with minimum effort and maximum results. Through Various Training and development programme we ensure the smooth professional journey for employees. Every employees of ICS are entrusted with motivating assignments, challenging and interesting which make our employees to think out of box. Many of the Training and Development are conducting on regular basis to enhance the technical skills, managerial skills, behavioural skills and empowering the employees to take the appropriate and correct decision.

ICS also gives the opportunities to employees to work closely with their seniors. This enables their budding talent to get hands on experience on work related matters.

Career Progression Avenues

With ambitious growth plans, the ICS is always on the lookout for fresh talent and expertise. ICS always strive to build skilled competent teams that keep the business growth. Career ladders are the progression of jobs in an organization’s specific occupational fields ranked from highest to lowest based on level of responsibility and pay.

Employees of ICS usually feel more engaged as they believe that their employer is concerned about their growth and provides avenues to reach individual career goals while fulfilling the company’s mission. A career development path provides our employees with an ongoing mechanism to enhance their skills and knowledge that can lead to mastery of their current jobs, promotions and transfers to new or different positions. Implementing career paths may also have a direct impact on the entire organization by improving morale, career satisfaction, motivation, productivity, and responsiveness in meeting departmental and organizational objectives.